Rendering Software

Software designed specifically for creating renderings of models.
  ZBrush by Pixologic - ZBrush is a good looking program that lets the user in at a starting price of $399.
  TrueSpace by Caligari Corporation is another good looking program, it lets the user in at $199 for the earlier version up to $595 for the newest version.

Caligari also makes the GameSpace Software for creating gaming environments and characters starting at $299.

CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) software packages that can create renderings.
  One Space Designer by CoCreate - looks to be a pretty decent software package but you can't price it unless you sign up(I don't know how much it costs)
They have a downloadable trial (free) and offer upgrades from the website.
  3D-S by 3D-Structures allows you to combine different modules that create different objects/materials into one program to easily create different tech and architectural models.
Eachmodule starts at $179 allowing a low cost software suite.

Unigraphics by EDS is one of the most powerful CAD programs on the market. There are many more possibilities with Unigraphics than any of the average CAD programs out there.
Starting price is pretty expensive.

Industrial strength packages for creating renderings and animation.
  Maya 5 by Alias - is a top of the line professional/novice software package that allows you to do it all.
Maya Personal Learning Edition is a free trial download but contains a watermark on all renderings.
Maya Complete is a good beginning/intermediate user package starting at $1,999.
Maya Unlimited is a powerful package for the professional user allowing for profesional animation and inserting animation into real video.

  RenderMan by Pixar - is a professional use package that has won awards for Pixar. Pixar developed RenderMan to meet the needs of their project scopes. RenderMan has been used in many movies in the past few years.
What else can I say.

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